
Despite how far we’ve come in medicine and representation of chronic conditions, many disorders are still not well understood, including nervous system disorders, like Tourette syndrome (TS). TS, also characterized as a tic disorder, is typically diagnosed in childhood and is often characterized by involuntary sounds and movements called tics. Tics can appear as sudden
To a cardio newbie, running can seem incredibly simple to take up. After all, the sport doesn’t involve any fancy equipment, has no set-in-stone rules to follow, and is just a fast-paced version of walking, right? Those ideas are true to an extent. But slipping on a random pair of sneakers and pounding the pavement
Daydreams are the land of “what ifs.” A combination of imagination and speculation, daydreams are an opportunity for people to emotionally consider what they haven’t yet experienced. These fantasies may be as simple as thinking of an upcoming graduation and imagining how proud you’ll feel or thinking about falling in love with someone. Sometimes, though,
Green, glorious, and filled with good-for-you ingredients, Trader Joe’s selection of prepackaged salads are the easy lunch staples you’ve been looking for. With everything from vegetarian-friendly options to protein-packed favorites, there’s not a salad here that won’t have even the pickiest eater delighted. This year, TJ’s is shaking up the salad scene by mixing up
When you think about your core, you’re likely thinking about those all-important ab muscles that peak out of crop tops. But there’s way more to them. According to Catherine Viljoen, a biokineticist at Virgin Active, “The core includes a number of muscles that run the length of the spine and help stabilise the shoulders, spine
Image Source: Flickr / Prachatai A new report published in the BMJ is facing backlash after asserting the negative mental health effects of the COVID pandemic were “minimal to small.” The report — which analyzed 137 studies on mental health and COVID — reviewed existing evidence on how the pandemic impacted general mental health, anxiety,
Welcome to the wonderful world of bacteria. This week, Legionella is trending after three patients tested positive for it in a Cincinnati hospital. The bacteria causes fever, cough, and shortness of breath, but some cases can cause Legionnaires’ disease, or severe Legionella pneumonia, says Amesh Adalja, MD, an infectious disease physician and a senior scholar