My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natacha.oceane/
Hey my friends! Today, we’re living a day in the life of my fat loss approach that I explained in my video ‘How to Lose Fat + Keep it Off // How Metabolism Works’. In that video I expanded on the type of calorie deficit, workouts, and general mindset I would recommend and this is what that routine would look like for me. My last fat loss phase was a year or so ago and I’ve been focussed more on strength building since.
Everybody and every body is different. Please remember this is about the overall mindset and thinking: my exact numbers won’t work for you. Study yourself and your body, and work with a Registered Dietitian if you want exact, personalised nutrition guidance. This is all about the high level approach, and as a reminder that heavy calorie deficits and hating the process aren’t needed (:
My YouTube videos that I mention at the start of this one:
How to Lose Fat + Keep it Off // How Metabolism Works: https://youtu.be/gWocc7i77oM
Why Diets Fail: https://youtu.be/WTpjQs0atxs
And for a great start to some reading on low energy availability and how it can really impact health, these papers have you covered: