USE CODE: “FUPACHOP” at checkout for 40% off. This code will expire tomorrow 7/6 at noon EST.
This workout will burn calories, strengthen and tone your muscles. All you will need for this 10 minute workout is a bottle of water handy! The timer will be continuously for 45 seconds each exercise .. with 15 seconds rest.
When it starts to feel like you cant go anymore try not to stop, but its okay to slow down if needed, just promise me you wont stop moving!
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Weekly home workouts, group fitness workouts with #HipHopAnatomy , health tips, healthy meal food cooking tutorials, and more.
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🚨 We have #HipHopAnatomy 10AM each and every Saturday at The Loft Athletic Club in Atlanta! If you’re in the Atlanta area, feel free to join us in person. CLICK here to register for your next in person class:
10 Minute Jumping Jack Challenge Weight Loss Workout
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